tugas bahasa inggris(Understanding The American Education System)
Nama : Larengga apriawansyah
Nim : B1011171158
Kelas : D
c. A qualification given to a student after she/he has completed her/his studies in higher education
(2.) Course
b. A series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification
a.To show superiority
(1.)In the United States, children began their primary school at the age of seven (F)
(2.)Another name for middle school is junior high school (T)
(3.)student who finish grade 12 will receive a diploma (T)
(4.) A community college is a four-year college (F)
(5.)A student usually decides on his/her major as soon as he/she graduates form high school (T)
(6.)Many students choose to take their prerequisite courses at a four-year college (F)
(7.)A major is an academic discipline to which an undergradute student formally commits (T)
(8.) The American education system is a very rigid system (T)
1. What is an Associate of Arts (AA)?
2. Name five common prerequisite courses!
3. Provide an example of a major!
4. What is the name of the degree awarded to students who pass their four-year college education?
5. What is college or university study known as?
Answer :
1. transfer degree and then transfer to a four-year university or college.
2. literature, science, the social sciences, the arts, history, and so forth.
3. A “major” is the specific field of study in which your degree is focused.For example, if someone’s major is journalism, they will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.
4. bachelor’s degree.
5. higher education.
1.)-system is that you can change your major multiple times if you choose.It is extremely common for american students to switch majors at some point in their undergraduate studies.Often, students discover a different field that they excel in or enjoy.The american education system is very flexible.Keep in mind though that switching majors may result in more courses, which means more time and money.
-the system of universities in indonesia is very complicated to finish the course must make thesis.And the tasks assigned by the lecture was quite a lot and usually student and students want to stress do its
2.) Beginning in college, because what we determine now then it will lead to the goal that we want later on when finished college degree that we take.
2.) Beginning in college, because what we determine now then it will lead to the goal that we want later on when finished college degree that we take.
3 3.)economic development, the reason we choose the development
economy because we are very fond of the economic majors and we want to build
the existing economic system in indonesia we also want to know why the economy
in indonesia is very less.hence from that we want to choose economics majors.
4 4.)That is from the academic education system needs to be at the level, because a college must make students understand the science and development that has been in the impact by lecturers. Academic education should prioritize quality improvement and expansion of science and development insight.
TASK 1 : Reading text “Understanding American Education System”.
1.undergraduate: sarjana
2.certificate: sertifikat
3.variety: variasi
4.prerequisite: prasyarat
5.excel: unggul
6.switch: beralih
7.journalism: jurnalistik
8.consists: terdiri
9.awarded: diberikan
10.degree: gelar
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